Warhol, Basquiat, and Degas, as part of National Gallery Exhibition
To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Costa Rican Center of Science and Culture, the National Gallery in San José is hosting the exhibition “Herencia del Art ” (Art Heritage), bringing together some of the most exciting work to have every been shown in Costa Rica. The collection includes 158 pieces from renown artists including Edgar […]

National Geographic Found
To celebrate their 125 years of existence, National Geographic have launched an official Tumblr dedicated exclusively to showing off a wide array of photographs from their historic archives, many of which have until now been unpublished. The result is equal parts journey back in time and inspiration for preserving and cultivating our cultures and environments. […]

Sea Turtle Tours
A few miles and a few river crossings north of Nosara lies the small beach town of Playa Ostional. Here you will discover the legendary “arribada†or arrival, when tens of thousands of Olive Ridley sea turtles flood a single beach to nest. Or you may choose to visit six weeks after an arribada to […]

Surfrider Gets Artists to Paint Epic Waves
From the LA Times “In celebration of the Surfrider Foundation’s 25th Anniversary Gala, held in fall 2009 in downtown L.A., the organization asked 25 contemporary artists to interpret 25 of the world’s most legendary surf breaks. The artworks were a part of the third installment of the nonprofit’s “Art for the Oceans†auction series.

Four Costa Rican Artists to Watch
Artist links: Rosella Matamoros Rafael Azofeifa Federico Herrero Cinthya Soto

Motor on Mongol Rally
Like adventure? Love roughing it? Want to travel more than a third of the Earth’s surface at a frantic, manic, exciting pace? Then sign up for the Adventurist’s Mongol Rally race.

Key Facts: Sea Turtle
Sea Turtle (Information from The Field Guide to the Wildlife of Costa Rica.)Total Length: 60.2 inches ( shell length averages 39.3 inches)Weight : 130 to 440 pounds.Range : Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans in tropical regions.

The Vatican Has Gone Green!
They’ve installed solar panels on the roof. Benedict XVI has criticised “the unbalanced use of energy” in the world. He has also said environmental damage was making “the lives of poor people on earth especially unbearable.”

Robert Rauschenberg’s Art for Sustainability
Robert Rauschenberg is … surprise … an artist who has done a lot of pro-environment art, including the first Earth Day poster in 1970. There’s a show in New York City that opened yesterday, which displays art he’s made that deals with issues of global warming. If you happen to be in the Big Apple, […]

Watch Your Step! Baby Turtles Hatching
yes! we do have marine turtles in Guiones beach, and this baby one was born right in front of the Harmony.

“Shocking” Coral Reefs Back to Life
Did anyone else read the news on Bali’s coral reefs? They’ve suffered incredible damage from “rising temperatures and destructive fishing methods.” Now scientists are trying to send low-voltage electricity through the corals, to “jolt” them back alive. Let’s hope this won’t become an experiment gone awry.

RoseLee Goldberg, an art professor, curator, and former Harmony Hotel guest, just wrapped up her week-long performance art series in New York. Congrats to RoseLee! Check out Artforum’s coverage of Performa (ok, full disclosure: I work there). Also, what’s exciting is that, last spring, I interviewed RoseLee right in Harmony Hotel’s very own open-air restaurant. […]

Water Falling
I’m now back at Harmony, working on some creative water and wastewater solutions. Our goal is to bridge a greater connection with water sustainability, that’s assuring it’s integrity from source to sink. We started with a water audit, wow! The some-what low tourist months of August/ October consumed nearly 300,000 gallons of water!

Female Iguana
Laying down under the sun at Harmony parking lot, a beautiful iguana is calling the male attention standing up in the tree.

Light Blue Line
There was this cool project planned in Santa Barbara that would show the increasing water levels in the city if Greenland turned into slush.

From Surfer’s Path
This photo is by Sean Davey and was included in the Monday Morning Wave. Don’t know if the colors are photoshopped, but it’s incredible.

Green Wave Awards
Want to nominate someone for The Surfer’s Path 2nd Annual Green Wave Awards? They’re for “excellence and achievement in promoting sustainability and environmental consciousness in the surfing world.”