Looks Beautiful…Just Don’t Surf!

Santa Monica after rain

I was out here in LA for meetings this Oscar week and got an offer to borrow a board. Then it rained, and I was shocked to learn that the pollution is so bad that you’re not supposed to surf for three days afterwards. I knew you weren’t supposed to surf the next day, but three days? People, we have got to clean things up, and for God’s sake, let’s not let this happen in Costa Rica. I don’t know it for a fact, but I have heard that the U.S. was pushing Costa Rica to privatize its beaches as part of CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement) and that Costa Rica asserted itself and said no. Memo to the U.S.: Don’t you think it’s time to take a page from Costa Rica vis-a-vis beaches when we can’t get in the water for three freaking days after it rains? Oh, and if you want to do more to clean things up, here’s a good organization to check out http://www.surfrider.org/.

3 Responses to “Looks Beautiful…Just Don’t Surf!”

  1. That is so disturbing. I’m reminded of my trip to Hawaii last year which fell nicely within the weeks that the water was so poluted it was off-limits – very sad state of affairs. I’m game to help clean up our waters!

  2. Jo Jo says:

    Wow! Beautiful picture! I love it! ♥