Posts Tagged ‘eco-fashion’

Reimagine Fashion

Reimagine Fashion

Designers are re-thinking the way we create and consume fashion, which is currently the world’s second most polluting industry and our second largest user of water—as well as one of the most exploitative of its workers. But imagine if you could drop last season’s jacket into a machine that would reconstruct its fibers into hipster […]

All Hail Hemp

All Hail Hemp

Think hemp’s for smoking? Think again. Hemp is a naturally insect-resistant, anti-microbial crop that requires no herbicides, pesticides or chemical fertilizers to produce. Unfortunately, it’s been tainted by the relationship to its THC-laced cousin marijuana, and has been effectively prohibited in the U.S. since the 1950s—with the recent exception (huzzah!) of Colorado. But did you […]

Patronize Peace Silk

Patronize Peace Silk

Looking for a cheap fix on a luxury fabric? Polyester silk impersonators like nylon and polyester are made from petrochemicals derived from oil and aren’t biodegradable, which means once you and the thrift store are done with that retro-chic pantsuit, it will live in the landfill forever. Plus, nylon manufacturing creates nitrous oxide, a greenhouse […]