Author Archive

Do One Thing: Retreat from Receipts

Do One Thing: Retreat from Receipts

Tis the shopping season—but you could be carrying some unwanted toxic chemicals home from the store. A recent study found BPA alternate bisphenol S, also known as BPS, on all cash register receipt paper in the United States. Both substances show estrogen-mimicking effects; BPA has been linked to hormonal disruption and cancer. Want to avoid […]

Do One Thing: Stay Away from Styrofoam

Do One Thing: Stay Away from Styrofoam

Besides the fact that so-called “disposable” Styrofoam and plastic tableware sit in the landfill forever, according to the EPA, carcinogenic polystyrene—which makes Styrofoam—is the fifth largest creator of hazardous waste. Want a side of cancer with that shake? Instead, bring your own cups and tableware, or look for compostable disposables made from veggies like potatoes—no, […]

Do One Thing: Nix Plastic Straws

Do One Thing: Nix Plastic Straws

Getting ready for a big end-of-year bash? Consider nixing the plastic straws. Americans use about 500 million straws each day—about 1.6 per person—and these slippery little tubes of non-biodegradable plastic wreak havoc on the environment, slipping through the cracks of landfills and recycling processing plants to join the spiraling plastic garbage patches that choke our […]