Just Say No to HFCS

do one thing logoNutritionists contend that consuming high-fructose corn syrup causes weight gain by interfering with the body’s natural ability to suppress feelings of hunger. Of course, the high fructose corn syrup lobby contends that the substance is completely safe, but you can’t argue the evidence:

  • Most Americans drink between one and six HFCS-filled sodas each week.
  • HFCS is linked to an increased risk of obesity.
  • Currently, about a third of the U.S. population is obese.

But it’s not just in soda: In 2009, the average American consumed nearly 36 pounds of high fructose corn syrup in just one year. Read labels for baked items, condiments, salad dressing, crackers, bars, cereal and sauces—if they contain HFCS, put them back on the supermarket shelf. And pass the water, please!

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