You may have met Lee at the Harmony. She’s the curator of our Tiendita, a long-time Nosara long boarder and a bad ass. Like many of the folks who work with the Harmony, she found her way to Nosara for the waves. When she’s not in Costa Rica, Lee lives and surfs in Miami.

Name: Lee Bailly
Age: 47
Where do you live: Miami
Years surfing: 23
Surfing is…
a thrilling quiet journey that lasts a lifetime. Surfing alters one’s course. It starts by accident sometimes as much as by intent. To experience the first magical moment you have, somehow, put yourself in just the right place at just the right time. That is the instant you know. The act of surfing is bigger than us. It connects us to our internal rhythms as well as the primal pulses that are constantly speaking to us. Surfing is listening and feeling and finding a quiet cadence. It is self calibrating as well as connecting to our surroundings: the sounds, the colors, the reflections, the shades, the tides, the winds, the currents, the movement, all forever shifting. Surfing is being tuned in to the outer as well as the inner elements and becoming one in movement and quietude.

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