Dark Rye – An Online Magazine

Issue 6 Gather

Dark Rye is an online magazine from Whole Foods that focuses in on local, handcrafted, and sustainable food, design, technology, and community. In addition to boasting a wonderfully-designed site bursting with vibrant images, how-to guides, and profiles, they now have a channel on Vimeo, with well-crafted videos to supplement each story. The videos follow individuals and groups of creative artisans who are using their talent, the benefits of new technology, and the virtue of good old-fashioned physical labor to create products that are good for people, and good for the environment. Six issues in, they’ve covered chef collectives, whiskey distillers, jewelry crafters, butter proponents, along with growers and producers of all kinds. Instructional guides and recipes serve to make it feel more accessible, encouraging everyone to get involved and get their hands dirty. The entire magazine is built with a great eye for the visual, and an encouraging emphasis on using our resources to live a life that is rich, full, and sustainable for the future.

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