Trisha Donnelly, Untitled
A black-and-white photo affixed directly to the wall. A white border frames the image of a rock jutting out of water. Waves eddying around its base suggest it is an ocean rock. The rock rises from the left, descends, rises even higher to a peak, descends deeply, then rises and plateaus creating a slightly rounded […]
Motor on Mongol Rally
Like adventure? Love roughing it? Want to travel more than a third of the Earth’s surface at a frantic, manic, exciting pace? Then sign up for the Adventurist’s Mongol Rally race.
i can see why noah was so famous for building a boat with no nails or screws. jesus. i just moved into a new space in downtown LA. I miss new york – i never read here because there’s no subway and unless i get a job as a taxi driver i’m not going to […]
Barefoot on Grass
I just came across this via Inhabitat (so those of you who are all “up-to-the-minute” on the internet are rolling your eyes) — but what a perfect thing. If only they could somehow make one with that great Playa Guiones sand; those of us in NYC could pretend we were back by the Harmony Hotel’s […]
Two Hearts
Valentine’s Day is ripe (too ripe?) for poetry, and this Robert Browning poem is as sexy as they get, and totally worth the eye rolling one may get for pulling out verse on the day of St. Valentine. By the way, those two silver hearts in the picture were made for me and Susan and […]
Costa Rica: Land of Kittens and Monkeys!
This photo wasn’t actually taken in Costa Rica but it could have been! There are kittens and monkeys aplenty there!