Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
Hope you stretched and are in good paddling shape ! The beauty belies the physical work to get out there. Three lines of white water, the inside about to unload, and the feathering, marching outside wave…as final destination. Rarely does a photograph at paddler’s level depict the arduous journey of the surfer’s trip from shore […]

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
The long months of rainy season transform the Pelada headland from dusty brown to verdant green, no doubt invoking the mindset of those ship-bound Westerners who first laid eyes upon the already Indigenously peopled coast: Costa Rica ! What else could have come to mind? Soon, the rain and mostly onshore wind will yield to […]

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
We’re not always trying to catch only waves in the surf zone, the ordered chaos of tumbling rollers rushing toward shore. It is a cauldron of energy, boiling with nutrients and marine life. Here, the work of throwing the cast net becomes Art. For the net to elegantly “spread” when thrown, it must first be […]

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
Drawing clean lines, the back leg is the crucial pivot point when going “off the lip”. Here, we also see the value of the paddle blade as secondary fulcrum when SUP-ing… Same physics, different tool ! photo provided by Surfing Nosara

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
There’s nothing quite like having paddled into a “maybe” wave, only to have it pitch on the inside for a curtain call. Nice reward for keeping the faith! This inside zipper qualifies as “the worth it wave” of the session… photo provided by Surfing Nosara

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
Launching just to break free from gravity has its merits. But, as with most things in Life, Function is Beauty. Feet, Body and Board all focused on re-engaging with the momentum of a continuing wave peeling to the inside… Functional Air at its best. photo provided by Surfing Nosara

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
The visual was so striking… please pardon the pun : HairSpray ! Talk about being”In Synch”… photo provided by Surfing Nosara

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
Last wave of the set displaying the tell tale mosaic of froth and foam on the face, churned up by earlier breakers only seconds before. Frozen by shutter speed miracle, graceful rider set in marbled gestalt. photo provided by Surfing Nosara

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
Sometimes any exit is better than no exit. Just watch out for the leash recoil. After being stretched to the limit, the “leg rope” can bring that board back at you with incomprehensible speed. Best to surface with a hand up and face turned away and down: aka “The Catcher’s Mitt”. photo provided by […]

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
On a lumpy, fat, high tide roller with minimal vertical contour, he’s generating his own speed on a wave that has little. By accelerating off the top and projecting into the next section, he can either choose to lay it on rail or, possibly, pull into an inside double-up. photo provided by Surfing Nosara

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
What can be Dreamt, can be Done… Just ask Her ! photo courtesy of Surfing Nosara

Guinoes Surf Photo of the Week
In a nod to the sister sport of skateboarding, throwing out the tail in a power slide. You can almost hear the wheels screeching across the concrete in a parking lot, under a bridge, through a garage, in a drainage ditch, or just on the plain old sidewalk… Softer landing here, but when the wind […]

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
Developmental psychologists assert that we remember little before the age of 5 or 6, but it’s hard to believe that a moment like this won’t make a life-long impression… photo provided by Surfing Nosara

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
Where you’re going to starts with where you’re coming from. Out on the flat, using a surplus of critical section speed to bring it back to the source. Connecting the energy dots. photo provided by Surfing Nosara

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
While physics explains the phenomena with angle, spectrum and prism, we simply call it magic. Early sailors called them horses’ manes… Whatever term a person uses for offshore winds, it means one thing to us: Time to Paddle Out ! photo provided by Surfing Nosara

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
Set up nicely to lean hard on her inside rail, backhand, and project through the looming section ahead. Some summer size, soft light, and a paddler to negotiate- intangibles preceding the moment suddenly coalesce. photo provided by Surfing Nosara

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
Pre-paddle-out pride! Soccer and Surfing, only two of Costa Rica’s many passions… We are all thrilled by the National Team’s World Cup tenacity and achievement… See you Saturday for peak swell and futbol! photo provided by Surfing Nosara

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
The World’s Children will hold the future of the Earth and her Oceans in their hands. Beyond the thrill and the majesty of Surfing must lie a deep respect for, and a responsibility to, the Ecosystem that continually accommodates it. Surfing Stewardship. Suddenly, clean water, abundant marine life, coastal habitat, and human impact acquire greater […]

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
Grey on Gray summer morning. Except for the white jagged lightning line of this speed surfer’s round house cutback. Even in the mist and the light rain, it shines. Precision turn and tight radius in a limited space. photo provided by Surfing Nosara

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
The Stall: Some will run for the shoulder, but the accomplished might linger, waiting for the wave to do its thing. Putting on the brakes and knowing when to wait often yields greatly coveted tube time. Put yourself there when the time is right and it can all come together… photo by Surfing Nosara

Blue Porterweed
Like many plants that grow around Nosara and the Harmony Hotel, Blue Porterweed is a multi-tasker. Known as Stachytarpheta jamaicensis to the more scientifically minded, it is resistant to pests and never very thirsty, and offers excellent low maintenance ground cover in gardens and along walkways. It also makes a welcome addition to butterfly gardens, […]

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
Wet Season: The hammer and anvil of nimbocumulus cotton balls mushrooming into the heights. Onshore wind. Air thick and heavy, but bringing everything to Life. Glassy rarely, but fleeting moments do occur. Summer and its constantly changing moods… photo provided by Surfing Nosara

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
Wet Sand Tableau: Remains of incoming shore break meet an outgoing tide, leaving mirrored patterns of the waves themselves…Only to be erased by the next high tide…Cyclical, fleeting and beautiful. photo provided by Surfing Nosara

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
Lined Up: There are beach break days where all variables come together. On such days, the experienced Surfer will wait, able to discern patterns in the Ocean’s language of shifting, lurching waves encountering shallow bottom. Occasionally an “outside” wave will just pass the first sandbar, thus retaining its full potential as it stands up with […]