The Harmony Event Series: Katzie Guy-Hamilton
Katzie Guy-Hamilton knows a thing or two about delicious food! Her career has spanned from Director of Food and Beverage of Equinox Fitness to Global Director and Ambassador for chocolate brand Max Brenner International, to running the celebrated pastry program at New York’s Ace Hotel. A few years ago, after crazy amounts of work travel […]

Kit Noble: OceanMinded
Kit Noble is a Nantucket based photographer currently living in Pelada. Earlier this year he spent 2 months living and shooting around the Nosara area. The resulting body of work is his newest gallery show, OceanMinded. Printed on metal to withstand the humid Costa Rica climate, Kit’s photos capture the raw and dynamic beauty of […]

Art, Advocacy, and Nosara’s Green Zones
“Rather than saying “this is what I think about the Green Zones,” I was much more interested in designing a project that let everyone have a voice, and that evolved organically, in an open and generous way.” -Jenny Kendler During the rainy season of 2015 and the dry season of 2016, environmental activist and artist Jenny […]

The Journey to Harmony
Hola y Bienvenido! My name is Karen Henson Jones and I am a guest blogger here for the Harmony Hotel. For the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing some snapshots about life here in Nosara. Specifically, I am here in Costa Rica to work on my second book, which touches on themes of how to […]

A Conversation with Jane Fryer
If you love restorative yoga at Harmony, you will almost certainly know Jane Fryer. Her Tuesday-afternoon classes are packed to the rafters. Attendees fit their mats into every available square foot of floor space and a devotional silence fills the room. It’s not hard to understand why. Fryer’s gentle practice of moving the body into […]

An Evening of Exploration w/ Nosara’s Healers
On Friday March 17, The Harmony hosted a community gathering at the Juice Bar with yoga teachers, therapists and healers of different specialties to discuss “How we work”; an approach led by Harmony Writer in Residence, Jeff Warren. Jeff and his partner Sarah Barmak have spent a month in our unique community, and Jeff […]

Exploring the Forest Through Our Senses
An abridged audio recording of this walk is available at the end of the post. “They say that sounds give us the story of the forest,” says Jeff. We all close our eyes and open our ears. We’re standing at the threshold of a path leading into the Costa Rican jungle, listening attentively to the six directions […]

Life Lessons Learned in Nosara
I always remind my students to be clear in their intentions, and even more so in Nosara. I have seen it time and time again here: intentions, desires and future hopes spoken at the sunset gatherings, over the beachside fires, or after Yoga class at the juice bar are first actions in setting the wheels of manifestation into […]

The Remarkable Trees of Nosara
I recently wrote a short post about the great bird-watching day we recently had in Nosara—while on a hike with the deeply knowledgeable Felipe, a conservation biologist studying biodiversity in Nosara’s tropical dry forest. But birds weren’t the only fascinating part of our day: we also learned a lot about the plant species, especially trees, […]

A Creative Gathering at the Harmony
Earlier this season, a group of musicians and friends traveled to the Harmony to surf, relax, play music, and support local charities. Nosara and the HH provided a beautiful backdrop for a weekend of connection and camaraderie among this creative and fun group of people. The highlight of the experience was an intimate nighttime beach concert played by […]

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
May we always remember and reflect the same simple joy of just “being” in the Surf . From First Time to Lifetime, all else is kept in perspective when dancing among the Waves. Stoked ! photo provided by Surfing Nosara

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
Howling offshore winds create lumps of chop coming up the wave face, effectively acting like speed bumps and moguls. Getting a light, short board into this position on such a day is no easy task. Perfectly poised, he’s about to reconcile all forces at play as wind and wave compete for transitory dominion. photo […]

Postcard From Nosara
A turtle hatchling makes its way to the sea at Playa Ostional. A series of moments captured by New York data scientist and friend of the Harmony Hotel, Burton DeWilde, during a week spent in Nosara with his boyfriend Nick.

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
We often reference “The Glide” throughout our lore and experiences of having board under feet, on the magic carpet ride. Others too, for no apparent practical reason, celebrate the transcendent joy of riding waves. When performed with grace, the act becomes sublime.

Postcard From Nosara
Staredown with a Howler. A series of moments captured by New York data scientist and friend of the Harmony Hotel, Burton DeWilde, during a week spent in Nosara with his boyfriend Nick.

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
Whether the wave is large or small, positioning reveals intimate knowledge about any rider’s approach. Graceful bottom turn around the critical section is the same on a playful longboard day at the beach or triple overhead Pipe. Leaning hard on the inside rail to project down the line. photo provided by Surfing Nosara

Postcard From Nosara
Fungus and flowers spotted during a walk through the forest near Lagarta Lodge. A series of moments captured by New York data scientist and friend of the Harmony Hotel, Burton DeWilde, during a week spent in Nosara with his boyfriend Nick.

Postcard From Nosara
Hanging out for an afternoon nap at the Harmony. A series of moments captured by New York data scientist and friend of the Harmony Hotel, Burton DeWilde, during a week spent in Nosara with his boyfriend Nick.

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
High speed backhand top-turn aka “slash”. The arc of spray “out the back” of the wave testifies to both the Surfer’s agility and the forces at play. He has re-set his edge, ready to turn off the bottom again and traverse the next section of unfolding wave. photo provided by Surfing Nosara

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
The Empty Wave as Icon, Totem, Object of Desire. A Force to both Thrill and Fear. Could You? Would You? Where are the Others? Sleeping In? Sitting Outside? Each person, with a singular approach… Worthy through effort, regardless of outcome. photo provided by Surfing Nosara

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
We surfers are often so focused on waves, that seeing a bigger picture can elude us. But once cured of our myopia, we embrace the larger context, often celebrating the overall spectacle and beauty of where land meets sea. Here, ghosting rain tails along the low tide beach, transforming the seemingly mundane surf zone into […]

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
Reduce wave riding to its essence ! Minimalist, Purist, Luddite- call him what you will, but less is more sometimes. The Body, without the tech, for sheer Joy and Thrill… photo provided by Surfing Nosara

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
The simple beauty of fundamentals. A long, sturdy craft to guide on a clear trajectory in the morning light, through a shifting wave face, doing its best to look like molten fractured glass. Amen. photo provided by Surfing Nosara

Guiones Surf Photo of the Week
As incongruous as it might initially seem, anyone lucky enough to have enjoyed the thrill of downhill skiing cannot deny the remarkable similarity of this surfer’s scathing cutback on a foamy face to a skier tightly clearing a gate on some well marked course. In both, the forward leg is leading and lifting the edge. […]