Author Archive

Landfill Harmonic

Landfill Harmonic

Landfill Harmonic film teaser from Landfill Harmonic on Vimeo. What an inspirational video! Landfill Harmonic is an upcoming feature-length documentary about a remarkable musical orchestra in Paraguay, where young musicians play instruments made from trash. For more information about the film, visit

Free, Beautiful, Biodegradable Toys!

Free, Beautiful, Biodegradable Toys!

As part of my quest to incorporate more DIY, reused or found toys into my children’s lives, we’ve made it a point to show up at the beach without pails, shovels, etc and then see what we can find. My kids often find their own treasures, but sometimes (especially early on) I have found it’s […]

Yes, I Love Your Country!!!!

Yes, I Love Your Country!!!!

I arrived back in Costa Rica the other day. A last minute change of plans meant that I had to grab a taxi ride from the airport in Liberia. Juanel was my driver. I must have been smiling from ear to ear because he asked me in a very bemused way, “Do you love my […]

Smallest Grom Ever!!!

Smallest Grom Ever!!!

I saw this cutie pie surfing the other day. I don’t know her name or age, but I’m guessing she’s around 4 years old. Imagine when she’s 12! She’s gonna shred!!!! Note the very cute pink bikini and the relaxed stance. This kid has style!