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Postcard from the Farm

Postcard from the Farm

We’ve returned to the farm up north where things are in full pre-season swing. Going from first light clean through till near dark. We now have happy piglets, spring chicks and bees!

Postcard from the Farm

Postcard from the Farm

Lemongrass is one of my favorite herbs, well grasses I should say. It grows prolifically wherever we seem to plant it (on the farm in Garza, Costa Rica).  Two great culinary applications are pictured above and you can check out the growing process below. 🙂

Postcard from the Farm

Postcard from the Farm

Farmer Leonzo making his famous “Kaka Cakes” (manure cakes).

Postcard from the Farm

Postcard from the Farm

Greetings from the farm in Garza, Costa Rica where it is hot and humid. We’ve officially returned to the Nicoya Peninsula for the winter season where we were blown away by these beautiful plants: fresh ginger (gingibra in Spanish) from the huerta (garden) in Garza! That ginger goes into making a vodka infusion (see below) […]