Stephanie Gilmore’s Surf-Beauty Tips

Photo by Timo Jarvinen

T Magazine has some helpful beauty tips from twenty-four-year-old Stephanie Gilmore, the Aussie pro surfer who just won her fifth ASP Women’s World title.

J.E-L.: Which products do you use?

S.G.: My skin is pretty sensitive and the saltwater dries it out. Sunscreens can clog your pores, and then, because the saltwater is cleansing your skin anyway, it’s like you are cleansing it twice, stripping it. So first I use Dr. Hauschka Rose Cream. I use it to moisturize; it’s really light. I use a M.A.C. primer, which is SPF 35. Then I use this Ella Bache opaque cream that is basically like foundation — it’s the gluiest you can find. It’s tan and it looks really nice on your skin, and it has SPF 30. Surfers love it because it stays on. The downside is that it’s hard to remove. I use baby wipes to get it off. If I’m not surfing, I use the Rose Cream, and M.A.C. mineral powder. I’m into more of a natural look. In the city I relish not having to put anything on my skin — I can let it breathe. I also really enjoy being out of the sun! I have been wearing a really cute Panama hat recently.

J.E-L.: How do you keep your skin hydrated after sun and surf? Good moisturizers?

S.G.: Grapeseed oil is great when you get out of the sea. After my sunscreen is washed off, I put it on while my skin is still wet.

J.E-L.: You must use bucket loads of sunscreen. Which brands work best?

S.G.: I do! I apply it all day. The best stuff really only lasts two hours. I tend to go for the “baby” products — they are a little less harsh on the skin. La Roche-Posay in France has a really great line of strong sunscreen. I always stock up when I’m in Europe. I feel like my skin gets so much sunscreen, and so many chemicals, it would be great to find a natural alternative that really works. Recently I read about mixing raspberry-seed extract with coconut flesh, which apparently is a natural sunscreen.

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